Hidden Questions to ask when booking a Wedding Venue?

Melissa Ivy Photography

Melissa Ivy Photography

Today we are talking about hidden questions you need to ask when booking a wedding venue. Now, we still advise asking other questions and defiantly those common ones like - "What is included in the package"? But we want to help with questions that you might not think of in asking especially before handing over a chunk of change. 


Here are our top hidden questions to ask when contacting for you wedding venue:

Are taxes included in this price - if not how much more? 

How much is it per person after I hit my cap of guest? 

What is my payment plan? 

When do you need to have the full amount paid by?

Is gratuity included? 

How much is my deposit and is there a security deposit you hold until after the event? 

What is the cancellation policy? 

Are there any other additional fees with your vendors? Such as cake cutting fee or dish rentals? 

Do you work with a hotel nearby with discount room rates? 

What is the alcohol policy? 

What is your plan B in case of bad weather?

Is the ceremony rehearsal included?  

If I need to add an hour for set up or clean up how much is it? 


There can be a million questions you wan to ask and that's okay. You will learn as you do a site visit most questions will be answered. However, it's great to write a list out of question you wan to know as it will later help you in deciding between venues. Good luck hunting! 



Venue: The Wright House 

Photographer: Melissa Ivy Photography

How to make your Wedding Ceremony Special

Ashtyn Nicole Photography 

Ashtyn Nicole Photography 

A wedding ceremony is the opening act of the event, but also the opportunity to set the stage for a special and personal night. Today we want to keep it simple with a few of our favorite wedding ceremony details to help make the moment special for you, your man and the guest.

Of course a wedding ceremony is not a form of wedding entertainment, but there is no reason why it shouldn’t be entertaining for you and your guests.  Think of it this way, the more you and your loved one are invested in your ceremony, the more guest will feel a part of your commitment. You want your guest to feel apart, especially as many of them are witnesses of your love story and the greatest supporters, champions and cheerleaders in your lives.

Think of the following wedding details as options not necessary and don’t feel like you have to do all of them. Pick the ones that work for you and the ones you know your guest will enjoy.


Include your Friends and Family in the Vows

Before you say your own vows, get your friends and family to respond to a communal vow to show their love and support for you. It gives them the opportunity to go from spectators to participators.


Have a Group Reading

Instead of putting one or two people under pressure to deliver a reading you can call on the entire group to be a part of it. To make this work, have someone still lead the reading but ask guest to chime in on one or two end  sentences sealing the ready.  One we have heard and loved is The Apache Wedding Blessing  

This can be another format in bringing guest from spectators to participators.


Have your friends and Family Bless the Rings

Before you exchange your wedding rings, why not have the rings passed around among your guest so that they can offer their blessings to you, before you put them on. I cannot think of anything lovelier than remembering that all your guest were a part of that ring you wear.


Play Background Music during the Ceremony

Playing background music during the ceremony might be one of my new favorite things in to do to set the mood. The key is picking music that is soft, meaningful and set the romantic mood while played very quietly in the background of while the ceremony takes place.  Talk about the ultimate ambience chills you will give your guest while they hear your vows.


Candle lighting

If you have decided to add a traditional unity candle ceremony to the wedding program think about upgrading it and having the guest participate in a candle lighting wave. How this works is having your guest from the back start by lighting their candle and then using their candle light their neighbors and keeps going on until it gets to the bride and groom who light the unity candle.  Don’t for get to choose an amazing song to play during this moment.


Share personal and meaningful Vows

We know it can be hard to write vows that are so personal but your guest have been a part of your love story and they want to hear the big moment where you declare your loved for each other. Just like any great Disney movie there is the moment where the couple declares the love for each other and you cry! Your guests want that and it’s not always easy to write the screen play but have it come from the heart and you will be great!

Remember, you don't have to use all of these or any. Do what make sense, what feels good. You got this! 


Venue: The Wright House

Photographer: Ashtyn Nicole Photography


5 Reason for the "First Look"

Benjamin Clifford Photography

Benjamin Clifford Photography

Back in the day the Bride and Groom didn’t see each other for two reasons

1.       Bad luck can come their way if they lay eyes on each other. Mainly, because they had the chance to glimpse the future before it happened.

2.       The goal of arranged marriages were solely to increase respective families real estate portfolios and lineage, the bride often did not see her groom until the day of their wedding so no cold feet would happen to groom until the deal was done.

So romantic right?  

Both of these reasoning don’t make sense anymore – so let’s kick the old out and embrace the new. Brides and Grooms feel a definite sense of anticipation leading up to when a couple first lay eyes on each other but wouldn’t you enjoy, and even benefit from, some private moments together before the whirlwind of their wedding day takes over.  

Hence the concept of the first look!



 Here are 5 reasons for a First Look


Instead of having your groom wait in room before the ceremony, imagine meeting him in a private place. No one looking, no distractions, just your man standing there waiting for you to walk up and tap his shoulder.

He will turn around finally get the First Look at his stunning bride – and mostly likely cry or at least grin from one cheek to the other.



Wedding days are stressful, no matter how well planned they are in advance.  Getting to spend a moment with your best friend, partner, and your person will give you the ease to not worry. You can relax and clam the butterflies swirling in your stomach.



This one of the main reasons we love First Looks! When the bride and groom get to do some of the family, bridal and romantic portraits before the ceremony they get to attend cocktail hour for a while and actually mingle with their guests. If you decide to opt out of cocktail hour you get more time taking your photos and not be rushed!



A First Look adds a huge cushion to your timeline and you will get 40% more portraits than couples who opt out.   Also, the bride’s make-up will remain intact with a Frist Look. Often times it will need to be touched up after all the crying during the ceremony, which take time and further delaying the night.


The First Look is all about the natural light. Most brides like to get married at dusk for the perfect ambiance and look of the sunset. We agree it’s absolutely gorgeous for outside weddings. However, it leaves your photos during cocktail hour will dull light or no natural light. Trust us, the light before the ceremony is prime for taking those stunning photos you see on Pinterest. We recommend getting any photos done before the ceremony to take full advantage of natural light.

At the end of the day you should remember – On your wedding day, there are no rules, choose to do what makes you happy!




Venue: The Wright House

Content: http://moosestudio.com and A Bride’s Book of Wedding Traditions

Photographer: Benjamin Clifford Photography